Ordior has signed African China for a worldwide exclusive publishing and administration agreement! The Ordior team has been successful in recovering unclaimed YouTube and performance royalties, and payments are already flowing to African China, to his great delight. We’re beyond honoured to accept an artist of his caliber onto our musical roster. The name African China stands for: African Children Have Ideas Natural for African. A sincere nod to the earnest point of view of a child, a raw, natural kind of wisdom that may just be the key to our futures. And this brand of sentiment echoes true in the rest of African China’s works!
The best way to discover him is most likely through this- a list of his most popular tracks on Spotify, with “Mr President” at the very top at the time of writing- it’s the most frequently played song right now. But “If You Love Somebody” has more plays overall from its limelight in the past!
African China is no stranger to political commentary or amazing music- his special brand of reggae-inspired afropop has drawn attention to his work worldwide! Whether you’re into religious tribute, politically charged music, or just good music to dance and sway to in general, African China has something for you! Whatever you’re after from African China, he’s here to deliver it with one particular niche that he excels greatly in- and that, simply put, is good music of all kinds!

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