If you’re in the USA, you’re in luck! Sam Pollard’s tale of adventure is coming to a cinema near you – and it’s a ripper of a tale! Musician Sam Pollard has a passion for sport. He is no cycling professional, yet he made his way across Australia in 30 days on a bicycle back in 2012. And not only that, straight afterwards he participated in an Ironman event. Sam embarked on a one-of-a-kind tour that has never been tried before him. But just how far did he go? Well…
A REALLY long way. Sam cycled 4,500km from the East Coast of Australia to the West, starting in Sydney and ending in Busselton, Western Australia. His cycling and musical journey helped raised $1,755 for RecLink Australia, a charitable organisation that helps disadvantaged Australians through sports and arts. Sam Pollard, in partnership with Planet Blue Pictures, brings this tour to your screens in a four episode documentary series called “A World Of Difference”. This documentary features local communities across the country, and the quirky traits of the locals that make living in regional Australia unique. It showcases cycling, and gives the viewer the opportunity to see and explore through the eyes of a rider. And most importantly, it’s an eco-friendly tour, with a low-carbon footprint. For the curious viewer, multiple trailers of different lengths are online for your perusal now! Get excited! We certainly have been… this series has been on our radars for months if not years now, and we’ve been anticipating it eagerly!
Named after one of Sam’s hardest hitting songs, the World Of Difference tour is sure to trailblaze through your heart just like Sam across Australia!
Sam is one of the long time artists of our partner company Blue Pie, and has caught the attention of many a listener over the years, ourselves included. Public interest and radio play has been increasing with over 200 stations globally now spinning songs from the “World of Difference” album – it isn’t just this documentary that has been turning heads with this track! His song “Blah Blah” also got reworked for inclusion in the Australian film “Dealing With Destiny”, and the song “World of Difference” got featured in “The Argues” film. As you can imagine, an artist this far-reaching with a film project this big requires extensive rights management support, and that’s where we at Ordior come in. The rights and royalties of Sam Pollard and his crew, his music, as well as everyone attached to the World Of Difference project, are all being managed directly by Ordior. Any legal issues that may crop up in the creation and distribution of these ambitious projects will be managed by us, and any royalties that might otherwise be lost in the void of the internet or piles of red tape will be delivered into the hands of those who rightfully deserve them. We’re in Sam’s corner, and we intend to see this project is as much of a success as it can be! But as for the project itself, what can we look forward to when we see it?
Our cast consists of Sam, his coach, and a pro cyclist presenter. A camera crew followed them on their month-long journey from Sydney, NSW on the 9th of November 2012, to Busselton, WA on the 10th of December 2012, ending with the Busselton Ironman. A World Of Difference shows Sam performing gigs along the way at various locations throughout Sydney, Adelaide, and Perth. These gigs were held in partnership with charities RecLink Australia and the Amy Gillet Foundation to help disadvantaged people get involved in music and sport, and to raise the awareness of motorists who share the road with cyclists.
A World Of Difference focuses on each destination along Sam’s journey and uncovers regional Australia, with all of its oddities and the aspects that define these small towns. Our partner company Planet Blue Pictures‘ vision is to inspire people of all ages to become healthier and fitter through the power of exercise, namely cycling. The film creators seek to create awareness of the benefits of cycling and educate people on maintaining a low-carbon footprint. For all the health-conscious travellers out there, this documentary aims to portray a new lifestyle and travel experience through cycling.
Cycling has become a global phenomenon with countries such as Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, China, Bangladesh and Japan making it a primary mode of transport. With Australia following in these footsteps, A World Of Difference truly embraces the nature of the sport and encourages its viewers to give it a go, and help care for our most important natural resource… this Blue Planet.
Speaking of the planet at large, if you aren’t in the USA or simply missed out on the cinema run by the time you read this article, fret not: World Of Difference will be available soon on NETFLIX AND APPLE TV! Very exciting stuff! You can track the progress of the release using the World Of Difference links.
- www.worldofdifference.net
- www.sampollard.com.au
- www.planetbluepictures.com
- www.indyfilm.com.au
- www.imdb.com/title/tt2655566
This is a heartwarming journey, and one that you’re sure not gonna wanna miss! Be sure to check out the full details at www.worldofdifference.net
And to find out more on the man behind the adventure, Sam Pollard’s online profiles are your one-stop shop! Sam Pollard is a Blue Pie Records USA artist. Sam is published by Blue Pie Publishing USA (ASCAP).
- Website | www.sampollard.com.au
- Triple J Unearthed | www.triplejunearthed.com/artist/sam-pollard
- Facebook | www.facebook.com/SamPollardMusic
- Twitter | www.twitter.com/sampollardmusic
- SoundCloud | www.soundcloud.com/sampollardofficial
- YouTube | www.youtube.com/user/Sampollardmusic
- MySpace | www.myspace.com/sampollardmusic
- Reverb Nation www.reverbnation.com/sampollard
See you on the road as proud cyclists, as well as hype patrons in the cinemas! 😉