Ordior has signed the Chillmaster for a worldwide exclusive publishing and administration agreement! The Ordior team has been successful in recovering unclaimed YouTube and performance royalties, and payments are already flowing to the Chillmaster, to his great delight. This is a brilliant opportunity, and will lead to a new golden era for Ordior and the Chillmaster- the chance to spread some of the greatest music on the planet even further to the audiences that deserve to hear it! But just who is this “Chillmaster”?
Well, if you’re a fan of Pete Hawkes, you may just like the work of Mr. Nougher! (Pronounced NOYA)
Who’s ready for some chill pianos and ambiance? We at Ordior sure are- it’s almost the weekend, after all. It’s been a tiring week here at the company as always! So let’s dive into Reef Magic and let the music speak for itself.
That’s the stuff. I feel like I’m floating. The Chillmaster sure was onto something when he chose the aquatic theme for this album all the way back in 1999! Personally, our favourite from that particular album is Coral Symphonies, but Spotify adores Whitsundaze, and that’s a fine choice too. Either is perfect for relaxation music, be it for reclining and processing a long day in your head, or falling asleep to the soothing vibes. Never before has an artist’s name been so appropriate and fitting! You can tell that he’s named the Chillmaster for a reason within the first few seconds of any song you choose to play! Go ahead, play some Spotify roulette with his catalogue, you’ll see.
But that was way back in the 90s. And most of it is synth ambiance! We mentioned pianos, did we not? We sure did- so let’s cover both those bases. Here’s an album from 2015 with the smoothest, most chill jazzy piano you’re ever gonna hear!
Oof, I wanna snap my fingers to it but I can’t get the strength up even for that, I’m too relaxed. All I can do is kick back and take in the classy atmosphere. And speaking of classy, Dale just recently released an album of pure piano! Just what the doctor ordered.
Now, Reef Magic may be Dale’s most popular album on Spotify, but this one and many others warrant more attention! If you scroll down through The Chillmaster’s Spotify, you’ll see that he loves the sea, based on the album artwork and titles. And just like the sea, everyone knows the surface level. Reef Magic is like the shores of a beach in the sunset. It’s pretty, everyone’s seen it, it’s what everyone thinks about when they think of the ocean. But if you dive in and explore a bit more… you will find hidden gems, things that deserve more appreciation for their beauty. The ocean is deep, and so is Dale’s catalogue of music- and each are as beautiful as each other. Will you be the next explorer to delve deep and discover something nobody else has? Maybe you should start here?
Wherever you swim, no matter how deep you travel- you can be assured that it’ll be one of the chillest voyages you will ever experience. Tell us some tales when you get back, maybe we’ll swap some fond memories of this talented artist’s work! For it is truly a skillful collection of music. The Chillmaster is certainly a welcome asset to Ordior, and we’re truly honoured to be involved with an artist of such talent and international recognition!
Personal Website- www.dalenoughermusic.com
Chillmaster Website- www.thechillmaster.com
Bio- www.bluepierecords.com/artist/dale-nougher-aka-chill-master
Facebook- www.facebook.com/DaleNougherMusic