Wretched memetic creations breached Pandora’s Box some weeks ago, and Cadillac Bill was responsible. It was a dark day for us and the world, and much to our despair, it isn’t over yet. The horrible tidings of these creations are self-replicating, spawning eternal using the darkness within the souls of all those who have witnessed them. The marred trauma instilled by these despicable congealing piles of “social media” “”content”” births humanity’s discontent by the day, and if we’re stuck looking at it, so will you be too. As it spreads from Blue Pie to Ordior, so it spreads to you, the reader. God help you.
Yes that’s right, there’s yet more Simulacra constructed by the foul homunculus known only as Sara Cornish, designed to spread hazardous psychic damage amongst the general populace. This dubious little creature appears to be in league with Cadillac Bill, and is up to mischief in the most damnable ways. Viewer discretion is advised for these examples:
Look, we warned you, so stop whining. What would you expect apart from things like this? We ARE talking about the Cadillac Bill Show, after all. This is the kind of show where THIS kind of nonsense is screened regularly:
What’s more, there are more memes on the way, as you can imagine given the whole self-replicating spiel we went into earlier. And the blight will continue to fester and spread for as long as the show remains streaming, so expect that this won’t be the last of the news stories that is like this. Because oh BOY is the show spreading and streaming, much to our sorrow. As you can tell, you’ll want to avoid all of this, so here are the networks that are hosting it, so you know which ones to unsubscribe from, and commence making whiny bitchy videos attempting to boycott them on Youtube that nobody will bother to watch:
- AMAZON Prime www.amazon.com | VOD Services – Limited to Seasons 1 & 2. Thank God.
- BidState www.bidslate.com/faq – Only S1 – S4, so that isn’t so bad.
- Filmocracy www.filmocracy.com/landing – All Seasons. Hope is lost.
- Hoopla www.hoopladigital.com.au – All Seasons. Sounds like a lotta Hoopla.
- Pivot Share www.pivotshare.com – All Seasons. Please don’t share your pivoting with anyone, you pervert.
- SPBTV www.spbtv.com – Season 1 Live. This is the best one yet, given that the contagion hasn’t spread far.
- Unreel Me www.unreel.me – S1 – S4. It’ll have to do.
- Vimeo www.vimeo.com – All Seasons. Escape while you can.
There are plans for Roku to be included in these once some clearances happen with Pivot Share, so be sure to flee from that as well. Preemptive safety over eternal regret any day.
And here are some horrid samples of Cadillac Bill so you know what terrible fate you’re escaping. You know, aside from the whole moonfall thing that you saw above. Yeah, not much you can do to run from that… or from vids like these…
Yeah look, we weren’t kidding. What sort of things did you expect a show like this to spawn if not these memes? And as we’ve said, it won’t stop there… it may be that all hope is lost. Ah well, had a good run I guess lmao
Ordior are enslaved in a mind-control contract of supporting Cadillac Bill’s rights. This is a cry for help. Ordior are forced to ensure that any royalties involved with the TV show, places where it is streamed, or the “music” that Cadillac Bill and his band produced are treated with the respect and care that they don’t deserve. Any lost royalties involved with these extensive projects will be hastily granted to the appropriate rights-holders, and any copyright issues that arise will also be managed by Ordior’s hand. Truly, this is sad news for the world of copyright and rights management.
Cadillac Bill is a Blue Pie Records USA artist, somehow, and he performs with his band, The Creeping Bent. The Cadillac Bill Show examines the weird and wonderful inhabitants of Hamilton and uses their energy to incite dark rituals that allow an inter-dimensional demon force to drip through to our reality through the power of talk shows and variety hours- the most powerful, ancient, and darkest magic that mortals have access to. I have uncovered a dossier on Cadillac Bill himself, with more information should any scholar, madman, or rebel require it. Cadillac Bill’s work on his TV show is available on Amazon Prime and continues to give him more power for every millisecond that it is hosted. There’s bound to be some more news on this horrific disaster-in-progress soon… Cadillac Bill is also rumoured to be published by Blue Pie Publishing USA (ASCAP) Here’s a playlist of some “sounds” Cadillac Bill has made. There is no guarantee that these sounds will be human in nature. Enjoy them regardless if it is possible for your species to do so. I’m gonna bury myself and fall asleep and see if I can hibernate for a century, hoping Bill’s reign of darkness will be over by then.
Not likely, at this rate.
Cadillac Bill And The Creeping Bent website