Seems that the world can’t get enough love of Key Loch, as their song ” Where is the love ” rings out across the world, we know the band gets the love from the Blue Pie Media Team.
Reaching over 10,000,000 streams across all streaming networks and YouTube is a major achievement. This includes over 7.1M streams on Spotify alone.
As Damien Reilly says:
“It’s been a great privilege to work with Gabe and Sahra to record these amazing original songs over the past 5 years. Great music always finds its way to an audience, and it seems the world wants more of Key Loch” .
In 2023 Key Loch announced a collaboration with Mr Suga Boom Boom aka DL Down3r to create the song “Starlight”. Check out the song here on Spotify.
This song is notching up over 1.6M streams across all networks with over 800K on Spotify alone.
From everyone here at Blue Pie and Key Loch we send a huge note of thanks to all the Key Loch fans for their support and love. We know the band will keep making more and more great music for many long years to come.