176,465 views. 6.4k likes. Over 1500 comments. It’s needless to say that Country Hard is doing insanely well on the Blue Pie Youtube Channel! Since Blue Pie last covered it, it’s skyrocketed even further in attention, gaining over 10k more views! Each view represents a Nigerian standing in support of Eedris’ message. Featuring the famous Sound Sultan and Eedris’ usual amazing talent, this music video pulls no punches and still manages to stand on its own merits, and it would even if there wasn’t a deeper message involved.
This is a music video of a track from Eedris’ blockbuster album, Nothing But The Truth.
In what may well be one of Eedris’ greatest achievements, this album collects hits from Eedris new and old all together in one place. But as we can see from the reception of its music video, Country Hard is the standout piece from among the rest.
“Nigerians are suffering and smiling”… and yet, “we overcome”. The lyrics send a clear message of solidarity. The people of Nigeria are in a bad time, but they are strong. They will be able to endure these crises and many more. This is why people come back for Eedris again and again – his social commentary expressed through a catchy and smooth flow! Eedris tells it like it is, in the most elegant and smooth way that he’s capable of. Truly, he hasn’t lost his thunder since the days of Jaga Jaga, and when there’s an injustice in his beloved Nigeria, he will be there to speak on it through memorable tunes like these. THAT’S why Country Hard is viralling, and THAT’S why Eedris’ fans are as loyal as they are. We can only look forward to what else Eedris has in store for us, what new ground he’ll break with his future commentary. And we can only look forward to how much future success “Country Hard” is bound to see! Fasten your seatbelts, because this is taking off in ways only seen in extreme viral hits like Suga Boom Boom!
When it comes to mega hits like this, it’s important that the rights of the artist, video, and song are all protected. That’s what Ordior’s here for. With this hit going viral, Ordior will be here to make sure that any copyright issues that crop up are dealt with as swiftly as possible, and that the rights of all parties involved are protected. Even now, lost or unclaimed royalties are making their way to the hands of Eedris and the other rights holders involved with these excellent projects, much to their delight. Our aim at Ordior is to make sure that it’s financially feasible for creators to keep making earthshattering projects like this every day!
Eedris Abdulkareem is an inspiring rapper with an amazing history behind him, and many classics of his such as “Jaga Jaga” and now the “Say No” series illustrate his great musical ability. He is not afraid to speak out for what he believes in and is truly a commendable artist. Watch this space, because there’s more where this came from, heartfelt messages and all!
Eedris Abdulkareem is a Blue Pie Records USA artist and is available at all leading digital retailers on the planet. Search “Eedris Abdulkareem”, or check out his social media links below!
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