We’re very pleased to announce that Blue Pie wins Best Independent Record Label 2017 from NSW Business Excellence Awards 2017. You can read all about it below. A massive thanks goes out to the entire Blue Pie Team in Australia, China, Canada, and the USA who have all worked incredibly hard to make awards like this happen.
You can see the details below from Kaven Coop.
From: Kaven Cooper <k.cooper@aiglobalmedialtd.com>
Date: 14 November 2017 at 04:10:59 AEDT
To: “damien@bluepie.com.au” <damien@bluepie.com.au>
Subject: Judges’ Decisions – Blue Pie Productions’s Nomination
Hi Damien
On behalf of Oceania News, I am delighted to inform you that you have been successful in this years’ NSW Business Excellence Awards 2017, and the details of your award can be found below:
Firm: Blue Pie Productions
Award: Best Independent Record Label 2017
Finding out about the good news is just the beginning; regardless of your budget, it is our aim at Oceania News to help you keep the impetus going and maximise this achievement.
Kaven Cooper
w: www.aiglobalmedialtd.com
e: k.cooper@aiglobalmedialtd.com
Click here to read the full story:
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