
Sending well wishes to LATAM! DL Down3r and Lokust Luciano giving up the shoutouts!
Let it never be said that Lokust and DL aren't appreciative. This is a neat little impromptu shoutout that the lads gave to our amazing team working hard day and night in Latin America! They've...

The Creative Team are going into overdrive! Planet Blue Pictures spreading their wings!
Last time, we said "Bravo" to the efforts of the Sync Creative Team, as they put their best foot forward to try and get Bravo's attention. But they haven't stopped there, not by a long...

The Kindness Of Strangers is bringing More Peace And Harmony to the globe!
Look around you. The state of the world is utter rubbish. Glimpses of hope peer out from the obscuring muck, but there needs to be more. The world needs More Peace And Harmony. Thankfully, in...

Welcoming Annabelle Parrelli to the team!
Ordior are pleased to introduce a new team member in our Forensic Royalty, Publishing, Rights and Content Specialists department! Annabelle Parrelli is the Global General Manager for Ordior, and is instrumental in all matters pertaining...

Sync Concepts galore! Avery May Parker and Planet Blue Pictures making media marvels!
Some spicy new surprises are now online, and ready for your perusal on the Planet Blue Pictures Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/user/PlanetBluePictures Straight from our Film Production Partners and License Team comes a series of Sync Concepts,...

Ordior, Blue Pie, and The Music Factory team up for Christmas!
Houghton Hughes is the manager of the label The Music Factory, and his dream is similar to that of our own partner company Blue Pie's dream - to distribute great music the world over. Much...