Houghton Hughes is the manager of the label The Music Factory, and his dream is similar to that of our own partner company Blue Pie’s dream – to distribute great music the world over. Much of The Music Factory’s music existed only in physical media, but this holiday season, the folks at Blue Pie endeavour to change that for the better! In partnership with The Music Factory, they have worked with Mr Hughes to make both his and their dreams come true, and now, for a brand-new online generation, Ordior are pleased to present some great old-time Christmas classics, all available online!
And that’s just a sample! The Music Factory has a huge catalogue that doesn’t only consist of Christmas tunes, and Blue Pie are honoured to be able to digitally remaster/restore it, and distribute it online through various retailers and streaming services such as Spotify. These much-loved hits sound better than ever after the remastering. And the world is taking notice! At the top of the Christmas charts is one particular album from the Christchurch Citadel Salvation Army Band: “Christmas Brass – 20 Favourite Brass Band Carols”! Jingle Bells and several other classic tracks are really doing numbers on Spotify in particular, and the online world is rediscovering the classic Christmas hits that many readers would have grown up with!
That’s where Ordior comes in. With these albums entering the digital space in their remastered form and attracting so much attention, their rights will need to be managed – especially considering that there are countless artists who have worked on all these! Just like our friends at Blue Pie, there’s many many different contributors within these compilations, and while some are a mixture of artists, others still are albums dedicated to singular artists or bands! Each requires a different angle of approach, legally speaking, and Ordior are here to ensure that the rights of all concerned are managed appropriately. And of course with this many artists working on these pieces to entertain the world, they will all have different royalty situations and contracts that will need to be navigated, in order to avoid royalties being lost from unofficial distribution online. Ordior are here to ensure that these artists are supported for their efforts over Christmas – especially considering they’re all in it for the love of the music, and their love of the festive season. We thank The Music Factory for this opportunity to team up and help support their collaboration with Blue Pie.
The Music Factory has always brought the world over a swathe of great content, Christmas themed or otherwise. You can read their story via the biographies at www.themusicfactory.com.au/about, in which you see why Christmas in New Zealand and Christmas Down Under are both prominent albums in this collection! Although the inescapably White-Christmas-centric imagery that inhabits the cultural zeitgeist this time of year doesn’t fit us over here in Australia and New Zealand with our sunny Christmas days, the roaring fireplaces and snowy vistas depicted on the album covers and within the song lyrics certainly can fit… if you crank up the air con enough! Which you may well be doing anyway, if this year is going to be as hot as other years.
The Music Factory has a lot to offer the world, both in terms of classic music and Christmas delights. With a wide variety of genres and musical mainstays, we at Blue Pie Records and Ordior see ourselves as kindred spirits with them, and it has been an absolute pleasure to work with them to bring all flavours of holidays to you, the listener.
Find out more about The Music Factory here: